What can you build?

Building Houses and HOPE with your financial gift!

For $1 – A bottle of water and packet of crackers for hard-working volunteers

For $10 – A hammer for putting up walls

For $13 – 1 sheet of drywall for a bedroom

For $19 – A doorbell, to signal the arrival of friends

For $25 – A sheet of Smart Side to frame a home

For $50 – Hand-painted square with your name on the foundation of the next home 

For $75 – A kitchen faucet for washing dishes and cooking meals

For $100 – A double-paned, low E window for fresh air and sunshine

For $225 – A front door for opening wide to welcome guests

For $500 – Landscaping for cartwheels and backyard picnics

For $600 – A water heater for warm baths and clean clothes

For $1300 – Complete flooring for a family’s home

For $3000 – All the plumbing supplies and labor for a finished home

For $10,000 – Concrete slab with deep piers to ensure a firm foundation